Please Contact us if you would like us to answer any questions you may have.
Office: 01344 442407
Onsite: 07980 385 419
Woodworks Fencing
23 Sarum, Wooden Hill
Bracknell, Berkshire
RG12 8XZ

We are a licensed waste carrier and are affiliated to the Environment Agency - We hold a certificate of registration under the Control of Pollution Act 1989. You can be rest assured that your waste will be removed and disposed off in a controlled and safe manner.
Need a Quotation?
If you are planning a project or installation and know what you need, then please complete the form to the right. We will then be in contact to discuss this in more detail.
You will then be able to send us your pictures, diagrams and plans, this will help us to understand your requirements and allow us to respond more efficiently, and price for the works more accurately.
Email us your enquiry
Sending a file to us along with your email...
If you are uploading photos with your email please note the following:
We accept these files: gif, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, pdf with a maximum size of 5mb. If you exceed this either compress the files or send us a separate email via a free file exchange program like, wetransfer, yousendit or dropbox.
Equally give us a call and we will come round a give you a free survey whilst discussing your project in more detail.
We accept these files: gif, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, pdf with a maximum size of 5mb. If you exceed this either compress the files or send us a separate email via a free file exchange program like, wetransfer, yousendit or dropbox.
Equally give us a call and we will come round a give you a free survey whilst discussing your project in more detail.